Talkative Tag

Kristy from  Miraculous Smile has tagged me to participate in this fun talkative tag. I am participating in this on my old Coolncreative blog as it’s not art or chronic illness related but if you want to continue following me I now also blog at I don’t actually know if I am doing this thing right or not but I thought I’d have a go and I’ve finally got around to it among all of the fatigue I have been experiencing so I really hope you enjoy reading as it has taken me an hour to complete this post and used up a lot of the energy in my hands. Please correct me if I’ve done it all wrong.  Shout out to John at “The Eclectic Contrarian”  who created this talkative tag.  I just love thanking people. You get so much joy in it. OK here goes. 

Caz from Invisibly Me You’ve actually commented on my blog posts the most and I want to say Thank you for following me and for continuing to follow me on my new website. Thank you for taking the time to have a look at and at least like my blogs even when you may not have the time to comment and  for your first comment on my blog which put a smile on my face. When I  have felt  like giving up you always try your best to cheer me up.You are so thoughtful and encouraging.

Elaine from Roseelaineblog Thank you very much for sending me that angel during Dysautonomia Awareness Month in October. It was such a nice thing to do and it helped me to feel supported and like someone was thinking of me and your angel artworks are my favourites. So soft and fantasy like and your recent poem was beautiful. You are such a talented poet and artist. I admire your digital art skills and how you manage to complete so many beautiful artworks in a day. I don’t know how you manage to do it, sometimes I can’t keep up with all of your posts. 

Christy Istrate from Miraculous Smile A huge Thank You for tagging me to participate in this talkative tag and sorry it has taken me so long to get around to doing it. I have been feeling soooo exhausted lately. Everything that you say is beautiful whenever you comment on my blog posts. You have a lovely smile. thank you for encouraging me to blog and continue doing what I love and for also following me on my new blog I think.  I love your Wednesday cooking.recipe posts and your quotes. Your prayers are much appreciated.

Mishka from Craftschronicillnessandadulting I love how you always include your water colour paintings at the bottom of all of your blog posts. You have gotten better over the months and you are very talented with water colours. Of course there are always a few favorites of mine. You make me want to get my brush and water colour paints out again every time I see your posts. If only I had the time. 

Heather from Dinosaursdonkeys&MS A huge Thank you for helping me out and providing me with information on hosts for my website and once the website was up and running directing me with how to set up my shop etc. I ended up going with Blue Host. I love Dizzy. She is so cute and I really want my very own Dizzy and I love to read about the adventures you and Dizzy go on together.

Melindafromlookingforthelight  I think it is amazing how you have been able to move forward from all of your negative experiences and create not just your own personal blog but a blog where other bloggers can share their experiences to inspire others. Like you mention you are more than just your mental health condition. Behind the illness you are someone with interests in photography, animals etc. 

Comments by authors on Coolncreative

Once again Thank you to Kristy for tagging me. Since Elaine’s blog is an award free blog and Kristy you have already participated in this tag and you were the one who tagged me to participate I would like to tag the following  amazing bloggers to participate in this Talkative Tag.

Caz from Invisibly Me, Craftschronicillnessandadulting, Heather from Dinosaurs,Donkeys&MS, Melinda from Looking for The Light, Alyssa from FightMSdaily and Vivian from Gods Whispers of Truth.

Take care.

Nicole Xx (Coolncreative17)

14 thoughts on “Talkative Tag

  1. craftschronicillnessandadulting says:

    Congrats on the tag! 🙂 And thank you for the tag! 🙂 As you may have noticed I’m slow in responding, but I will eventually. You always have the sweetest comments. Thank you for stopping in to have a read on my blog. I realize you could be doing anything you want with your time and I appreciate you chose to spend some time reading my thoughts. 🌸

    Liked by 2 people

    • Coolncreative17 says:

      Thank you. I am glad you think my comments are sweet. That puts a smile on my face. :)I don’t have much time these days to read blogs but sometimes I see something that catches my eye and I like to see your water colour paintings. I only wish I had the strength and energy to do more of my paintings.

      Liked by 2 people

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